Ready, Set, Play!

The stores have been filled with back to school promotions for weeks. Schools post their list of “must have” items for each grade. Summer growth spurts have parents scrambling to buy new clothes and shoes. Everyone is getting ready for a new school year, filled with fresh starts and high expectations.
A new year in the studio also requires some preparation. Here are a few suggestions to help your child have a successful year of music study.
Make sure you have all of the music books your teacher has requested. Purchase new items ASAP so new assignments won’t have to be postponed due to a missing book.
Help your child schedule a good time for home practice. Make it as much a part of your schedule as soccer practice or their lesson time.
Take a few minutes to look at the studio calendar, and mark any special events or schedule changes on your home calendar.
Schedule a time for your piano to be tuned, and make sure it is in good working order.
Help your child set up a practice environment that has all she will need during her practice time. Good lighting, a place to keep her materials together, a bench or other seating that is at an appropriate height, a pencil, and access to a metronome are essential.
Be available during practice time to help your child stay on track, or just to listen. Younger students especially need the assistance of an adult.
Here's to a great year of music making. Happy practicing!